Deltec Aquaristic | Deltec - The specialist for aquaristics
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Deltec Aquaristic | Deltec - The specialist for aquaristics
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Marine BoX 180+

Product details

  • Handwork „Made in Germany“
  • With high-quality plexiglass ®
  • Lighter weight than gas filter tanks, no risk of breakage
  • Space-saving due to permanently installed devices
  • ‘Logical water flow’ starts with coarse filtration, sterilisation, fine filtration and ends with biological filtration.

3.999,00  VAT included. + shipping & handling


Technical details

Dimensions (Lenghth/Width/Height in cm): 180 x 45 x 57
Fleece Filter: VF 8000
Skimmer: Deltec Skimmer 1500i
Refill Tank: 70 Litres
UV: 2 x 48 Watt

